Our company, Novin Informatikai, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Betéti Társaság (Novin Bt.), is a Hungarian-owned company established in 2006. We aim to provide cost-effective and reliable IT solutions to our customers. Our main services are IT Outsourcing, software development and testing, system administration, website development, hosting services.
Company information
- Company name:: NOVIN Informatikai, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Betéti Társaság (short: Novin Bt.)
- Headquarter: 1134 Budapest, Angyalföldi út 5/B, Lion irodaház
- Tax number: 21582963213
- Company registration number: 13 06 064528
- Bank account number: HU19 10300002-10492435-49020023
- E-mail: kapcsolat@novin.hu
- Telephone: (20) 629 5807
- Postal address: 2013 Pomáz, Seregély utca 1.
Our company has been awarded the gold rating by Céginformáció.hu and HVG. The certificate not only examines negative events in previous years, but also assigns a probability of failure to companies using a complex rating system, which is predominantly based on financial data from current and previous years. To qualify for a gold rating, the probability of default must be below 0.3%. A gold rating therefore expresses the reliability and financial stability of a company.